Teen Volunteers

Cartoon of a boy and a girl holding hearts with forms and a yellow backdrop behind them. Decorative to link patrons the the application form.

Teen Volunteer Opportunities at the Athol Public Library

Volunteering is a great way for teens ages 12 -18 to get involved in the community. Teen volunteers help in a variety of ways; from writing reviews, suggesting new materials, assisting with library programs, and putting away materials, there is something for everyone.

There are a few different ways you can volunteer at the library:

Weekly Teen Volunteers (14+)

Teens ages 14 and up can apply to be Weekly Teen Volunteers. These volunteers have a variety of tasks they can choose from during their time at the library. Common tasks include shelving materials, neatening shelves, locating books in the YA space, and tending to displays. On occasion there will also be opportunities to help create displays or prepare for programs.

There are a limited number of weekly positions available. Positions are assigned on a first come first serve basis with preference given to the teens who have been actively participating in library activities.

Weekly Teen Volunteer Application

On Call Teen Volunteers (14+)

On Call Teen Volunteers are contacted when the library needs extra hands for special events. Times and dates of events will vary. Each time there is an event or project that the library needs assistance with a library staff will send out an email asking for volunteers. If you are available and interested in helping, please reply to the email as soon as possible.

On Call Teen Volunteer Application

Teen Tech Help (14+)

After training, tech volunteers will work independently to teach senior citizens, and other adults, how to use different devices and computer software. Library staff will help schedule appointments with the volunteer and the patron looking for assistance.

There are a limited number of positions available. All teens who apply will be contacted by the library for an interview.

Teen Tech Hep Volunteer Application

Book Reviews (12+)

The Teen Review crew volunteers by writing book reviews for the library. We ask teens to follow a certain set of guidelines while writing their review. These book reviews are shared with other library patrons and help staff members when selecting new books for the library. Each book review is equal to 1 hour of volunteer service.

Book Review Guideline

Book Review Sample

ATAC (12-18)

Teens applying to volunteer at the library should consider joining ATAC (Athol Teen Advisory Council) which meets every fourth Tuesday during the school year from 5-6pm. The group helps plan teen programs, suggests materials, participates in community projects, and enjoys other activities. Each meeting is considered one hour of volunteer service. Contact Emily in the Teen Space to find out more.

ATAC Application

If you need to finish a set amount of volunteer hours by a particular deadline, please contact us as soon as possible so we can work together to meet your goal.