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Dear PC Doctor:
I have no idea what is going on but it seems like every day when I turn on my laptop and I log into Microsoft Windows 8.1 with one account and another account pops up when I try to uninstall a program. My password doesn’t work. I have changed it 3 days in a row. Any suggestions short of deleting the account?
Thanks for any help,
Dear Gloria:
I’m not 100% sure, but it seems that you are logging in with an account that does not have administrative privileges. That is why the computer requests the other account and password before you can delete a program.
Are you the only person who uses this computer? How many accounts are on this computer? If you are the only user, you may want to have only one account, yours, with full administrative privileges. Then when you’re logged in, you will be able to add and delete programs or change system settings as you wish.
First, access the Control Panel. You can find it by searching from the Start screen or clicking the link in the Settings icon from the desktop. Once there, click “Change account type” beneath “User Accounts and Family Safety.” Select the account you wish to make an administrator, click “Change the account type” and select “Administrator.” Once done, click “Change account type” to make the change final.
If you find you have several accounts on this Windows 8 machine and you want just the one you use, you can remove the other accounts. Return to the Control Panel. Once there, select “User Accounts and Family Safety.” Next, click “Remove user accounts” where it appears beneath “User Accounts.” Select the account to be removed and click “Delete the account.” You’ll then have to select whether to delete the user’s personal files or leave them on your hard drive. Select “Delete files” or “Keep files” and then “Delete Account” to finish the job.
Until next time… Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Apr 10, 2015
Updated: Fri, Apr 10, 2015