PC Doctor March 17, 2017

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Dear PC Dr:

I heard there’s a way to save PDFs to my iPhone.  I’m especially interested in this because I like to hike.  Online trail maps are great, except, when you get in the woods, often there’s no service.  I’ve been doing screen shots and saving the trail map as a photo, but I heard that downloading the PDF before I go is better.  How do I do that?

Signed, Muddy Boots


Dear Muddy Boots:

Saving a PDF to your iPhone is easy!  For example, if you were looking at the Erving State Forest website on your phone, a little ways down there is a link for a printable trail map.  Tap it to open it on your screen.  Then, lightly tap the map itself.  Along the top, you will see the option to Open in iBooks.  Now it is saved to your phone!  You will not need cell service to view the stored PDF of your trail map.  What’s nice about saving the PDF vs a photo is that you can zoom in to view details without the image quality decreasing.

Until next time,
Happy computing (and hiking)!

    PC Doctor