Latest materials for children at the Athol Public Library!
The following new materials are available for check out from the Children’s Room at the Athol Public Library:
Aponte, Carlos - A Season to Be: A Stylish Book of Colors
Averbeck, Jim - One Word From Sophia
Barbo, Maria - Pokemon: Welcome to Alola!
Berger, Samantha - Monster’s New Undies
Berkes, Marianne - Over in a River: Flowing Out to the Sea
Birkett, Georgie - A is for Apple
Carle, Eric - From Head to Toe
Corderoy, Tracey - No!
Corderoy, Tracey - Now!
Costello, David - Little Pig Saves the Ship
Dahl, Michael - Bedtime for Batman
Depken, Kristen - Barbie: Little Lost Dolphin
Dewdney, Anna - Little Excavator
Dunlap, Cirocco - This Book Will Not Be Fun
Edwards, Michelle - A Hat For Mrs. Goldman
Fenske, Jonathan - Barnacle is Bored
Fleming, Candace - Bulldozer Helps Out
Fleming, Candace - Emma’s Circus
Ghahremani, Susie - Stack the Cats
Gianferrari, Maria - Hello Goodbye Dog
Gottesfeld, Jeff - The Tree in the Courtyard
Hall, Kirsten - The Gold Leaf
Horowitz, Dave - Little Big Horse: Where’s My Bike
Hegarty, Patricia - Zip It: A First Book of Fasteners
King, Trey - DC Comic Super Heroes: Friend and Foes!
Lazar, Tara - 7 Ate 9: The Untold Story
Lazar, Tara - Little Red Gliding Hood
Levis, Caron - May I Have A Word?
Litton, Jonathan - Touch and Trace Farm
Litton, Jonathan - What’s the Time, Clockodile?
Malbrough, Mike - Marigold Bakes a Cake
Mayer, Pamela - Chicken Soup, Chicken Soup
Mena, Pato - The Perfect Siesta
Miyanishi, Tatsuya - I Will Love You Forever
Morales, Yuyi - Viva Frida
Naberhaus, Sarvinder - Blue Sky, White Stars
Palacio, R.J. - We’re All Wonders
Pinkney, Jerry - The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Portis, Antoinette - Not a Box
Portis, Antoinette - Not a Stick
Reed, Janet - Hide and Seek
Rinker, Sherri - Mighty, Mighty Construction Site
Rusling, Annette - One Two Peekaboo!
Savage, Stephen - Little Plane Learns to Write
Savage, Stephen - The Mixed-Up Truck
Soman, David - Ladybug Girl and Her Papa
Teague, Mark - Jack and the Beanstalk and the French Fries
Testa, Maggie - Batman is Fast
Thurber, James - Many Moons
Todd-Stanton, Joe - The Secret of Black Rock
Van Dusen, Chris - The Circus Ship
Walsh, Melanie - Living With Mom and Living With Dad
Wood, Don - The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear
Anderson, Hans Christian - The Little Mermaid
Baltazar, Art - Tiny Titans: The First Rule of Pet Club
Baltazar, Art - Tiny Titans: Sidekickin’ It
Baltazar, Art - Tiny Titans: Field Trippin’
Chmakova, Svetlana - Brave
Christie, Robert - Quirk’s Quest: Into the Oldlands
Clanton, Ben - Super Narwhal and Jelly Jolt
Costa, Ben - Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo: The Road to Epoli
Duffy, Chris - Fable Comics
Girard, Franck - Toby Goes Bananas
Hatke, Ben - Little Robot
Kanata, Konami - Fuku Fuku Kitten Tales #2
Konishi, Noriyuki - Yo-Kai Watch vols 1-4
Krosoczka, Jarrett - Lunch Lady and the Summer Camp Shakedown
Larson, Hope - Knife’s Edge
Reed, MK - Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers
Renner, Benjamin - The Big Red Fox
Riess, Natalie - Space Battle Lunchtime Volume 2: A Recipe for Disaster
Siegel, Mark - 5 Worlds: The Sand Warrior
Simpson, Dana - Unicorn Crossing: Another Phoebe and Her Unicorn Adventure
Todd-Stanton, Joe - Arthur and the Golden Rope
Xu, Ru - News Prints
Yorinks, Arthur - Making Scents
Beauty and the Beast: Deluxe Edition Soundtrack
Camp Songs with Ella Jenkins and Friends
Cars 3: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Moana Soundtrack
Adventure Time: The Complete Sixth Season
Beauty and the Beast
Boss Baby
Bunnicula: Night of the Vegetable
Good Morning Yoga
Good Night Yoga
LEGO Batman Movie
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Spark: A Space Tail
Beauty and the Beast
LEGO Batman Movie
Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Aug 7, 2017
Updated: Mon, Aug 7, 2017