Welcome to the Graveyard!

Wednesday, May 31 @ 6:30 PM

Breand Sullivan of Gravestone Girls takikng a photo of a gravestone.
This adult-oriented presentation Welcome to the Graveyard! is a 90-minute illustrated ‘virtual tour’ chronicling cemetery art, history and symbolism.

What can we learn about changing concepts of life and death in rural New England by looking at our cemeteries?

From colonial New England burial grounds of the 16 & 1700s, through the nation-wide rural cemetery movement of the 19th century and into 21st century locations, the program examines why we have cemeteries and gravestones, why they look like they do and how styles and art have evolved over almost 400 years.

The presentation is robust with photographs of gravestones and burial grounds from Athol visited by Gravestone Girls in preparation for this program. The aim of this program is to connect the audience with what’s in the backyards and main streets of our town.

Q&A is welcome at the end of the show! Gravestone Girl Brenda Sullivan will be glad to answer your questions.

Registration required.
Register by calling 978-249-9515 or by visiting https://athol.librarycalendar.com/event/welcome-graveyard

Crossroads is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and Mass Humanities. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.