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Dear PC Doctor,
I was wondering if there was a way to turn the direction of the page in Microsoft Word. I want the page to lay horizontal instead of portrait.
Dear Barry,
Yes, it is possible and very easy to change the page layout in Microsoft Word. Click on File in the menu bar, and then select “Page Setup”. Click on the “Sheet” tab and change the “Orientation” selection from “Portrait” to “Landscape.” Done! Be aware that if you are planning on printing this document, make sure you change the layout of the print to Landscape in the print dialog box as well. It is typically under Preferences or Setup when the Print Dialog box opens up.
If you are using Office 2007 and up, click on the Page Layout tab and under the Page Setup ribbon, select Orientation and Landscape.
If you are a fan of OpenOffice, like I am, and want to change the document orientation, click on Format, and then go down to Page. From there, click on the Page tab at the top. Then change the setting from portrait to landscape. You will see the little page example to the right side of the box change to display the changed settings. Press OK and you are ready to go!
PC Doctor
Until next time… happy computing!
Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, Nov 13, 2012
Updated: Tue, Nov 13, 2012