Program: Holiday Arrangements From Your Yard; a Demonstration!

Thursday, December 6, at 5:30 pm, the Athol Public Library presents a holiday arrangements demonstration by Betty Sanders. Free & open to the public. Please call the library at 978-249-9515 to reserve your spot.


Betty Sanders is a widely recognized speaker on gardening subjects.  She has lectured at the New England Flower Show, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s lecture series, the Boston Public Library and at numerous garden clubs and civic groups.  A Lifetime Master Gardener with the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association, she is also a nationally accredited floral design judge.  Her ‘Horticultural Hints’ appear monthly in the Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Leaflet magazine and on her website,

Along with the door prize, an additional raffle will be held at the library for the rest of the holiday arrangements following the week of the program.  Tickets for this raffle will cost for $1.00 each or $5.00 for six to benefit the Friends of the Athol Public Library.