Athol Public Library Raffle! Benefits the Friends of the Library programs

Raffle to be held Friday October 31 @ Noon. Limited edition print (94 of 600) by Donna Peck titled "Dream Space". Ticket price $1.00 or 6 for $5.00.

The Friends of the Athol Public Library are holding a raffle to raise funds for more adult, teen and childrens’ programs at the library.
Library staff member Rheba Gagne is shown holding the limited edition print “Dream Space” by Donna Peck. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
Also shown is the amazing cherry burl built into the new circulation desk designed and constructed by craftsman Jon Sammis of Sammis Woodworking. The history and other interesting information about the wood burl is on display at the desk.