Borrowing Privileges
Why do I need a library card?
The Library has more than 50,000 books, magazines, periodicals, audiobooks, Blu-rays, CDs, DVDs, and other items which are loaned to people who have a card. (When you take out any item from the library, you are responsible for returning the item on time and in good condition.)
How do I get a library card?
If you have a card from any C/W MARS member library, you may use it at the APL!
If you are a new borrower, you may get a library card by presenting positive identification with your current address.
If you are under the age of 18, you must have a permission card signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Your first card is free. To replace a card costs $1.00.
How do I get a CW MARS ecard for digital access only?
If you do not yet have a library card and would like digital access only, click here!
Are there any restrictions on what I can borrow?
In order to be fair and to provide the best service to all customers there are a few restrictions. New cardholders may borrow up to 5 items on the first day, after which the borrowing limit is 50 items. Ten of the 50 items may be BR or DVD (or 2 series DVDs or any combination that totals 10), 5 may be audiobooks, 5 may be CDs.
Patrons are blocked by the system when:
- Their registration card expires
- Patron owes $10.00 or more in replacement costs, Mediated interlibrary loan fines, or equipment fines
- Patron has billed materials
- Patron has 50 or more items checked out
What do I do when my card is expired?
- Patron cards expire every two years. If your card is expired, contact the library or come see us.
How long can I keep library materials?
- Books, Audiobooks, music CDs, and periodicals: 3 weeks
- DVDs, Blu-Rays: 1 week
- Museum passes: 3 days
- Equipment borrowing periods vary
Does the library charge any fines?
The library is fine free on most of our materials. There are a few exceptions. See the information on fines for those items below.
Fines are as follows:
Equipment, and museum passes: 1 dollar per day (no maximum)
Mass. Dept. of Conservation & Recreation State Park Passes: $8.00 per day (no maximum)
Mediated interlibrary loans:
10 cents per day for regular materials (no maximum)
$5 per day for audiovisual materials (no maximum)
All patrons (including senior citizens) must pay fines on Mediated Interlibrary Loan Items.
Returning items:
A drive up book return is available by the northwest corner of the building. A walk up book return is located by the main side entrance.