PC Doctor August 7, 2015

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Dear PC Doctor:
               I have been hearing a lot about Windows 10 coming.  And, at work, a little icon for Windows 10 has shown up along the bottom of my screen.  When I click on it, it says I can upgrade to Windows 10 for free at the end of July.  At home, I have an XP machine (Windows XP).  I haven’t seen that same Windows upgrade offer yet.  Will I get it?  Can I upgrade to Windows 10 for free at home, too?
              Signed, Leonard
Dear Leonard: 
              The free upgrade to Windows 10 is for users who have Windows 7 or Windows 8 installed.  Windows XP users will not get the free upgrade.  You’ll be able to purchase it for a little over $100.  First, though, you should make sure your computer is compatible with Windows 10.  The system requirements are said to be the same as those that were needed for running Windows 8.  You can read about those on windows.microsoft.com.
Until next time… Happy Computing!
             PC Doctor

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Aug 7, 2015
Updated: Fri, Aug 7, 2015