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Dear Paul,
Each program is different so, there really isn't a way to convert one file to the other. I'd suggest copying and pasting the information instead of simply retyping it all out. If you click and drag with the left button on your mouse, you can highlight text. Or if you hit the Control (Ctrl) key together with the A key, it will highlight or select all of your text. After selecting the text you want to copy, right-click on your mouse and select “Copy”. In your new document, right-click then select “Paste” to paste the highlighted text into your new document. You might have to change a few things to make it look like the original but I think it's worth it.
Yes, if the copy of your resume that you emailed to yourself is still up to date, you can easily forward that email to whoever you wish. Just be sure to remove the “FWD” from the subject line and the copied information from the body of the email. I'm sure you know that forwarded emails don't seem very professional. However I will say that most employers would like your resume as an attachment. When they open it up and print it, it will print as a clean copy rather than printing from an email which will have all your FROM and TO information at the top which is rather distracting.
Pro-tip: Don't have Microsoft Word or something like that on your computer? Try out Google Drive at www.drive.google.com. It's Google's web-based word processor. It's not as feature-rich as Microsoft Word but I think it would work very well for you. It does require an account but if you have Gmail or Google accounts which are free accounts, you're already to go. Things I like about Google Drive are: automatic saves, you can access your documents from any computer that has internet, and the many options to download your file as, plus the capability to email the document as an attachment in an email. I can't recommend it enough!
PC Doctor
Until next time… happy computing!
Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Jul 25, 2012
Updated: Sun, Aug 12, 2012