The Athol Public Library has a new service: eSequels: a reader’s guide to novels in series.
Have you ever finished a book only to find it was #3 in a series? Has a friend recommended a book to you, but all you can remember is that it featured a main character named Jules who lived in Hoboken?
The Athol Public Library has a new service that can help you find that title and read series fiction in order: eSequels!
eSequels is updated regularly. You will be able to find the newest title by your favorite author, subject, character, or setting. There are also brief annotations that describe each title without giving away any surprise endings.
The primary focus of eSequels is British and American adult series fiction. Translations of prominent international series and young adult series that are catching on with adults are often included.
(Watch your e-mail for an announcement of a similar service that
includes children's fiction!)
You can find eSequels on our library web page: Look on the upper right-hand side. Click on the button that says eSequels: A Reader's guide to Novels in Series. You can also access eSequels by clicking on the services tab at the top of the Athol Library web page.
To log in, please have your Athol Library card ready.
Many thanks to the Friends of the Athol Public Library for providing funds for this service.
Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Jun 3, 2013
Updated: Tue, Jun 4, 2013